General Knowledge

Scientific instruments are used to carry out scientific work – we use some of them in our daily life. Microscope – used for magnifying very small objects. Radar – used for finding the position and movement of ships and planes. Telescope – used for observing distant objects. Lactometer – used for measuring the purity of milk. Thermometer – used for measuring temperature. Barometer – used for measuring atmospheric pressure. Stethoscope – used by doctors for hearing the sounds of heart and lungs. Mariners Compass – used for knowing directions. Speedometer – used for measuring speed. Name of some inventors of the following important inventions. Computer – Charles Babbage Camera – Walker Eastman Cement – Joseph Aspdin Electric Bulb – Thomas Alva Edison Printing Press – Johann Gutenberg X-ray – Wilhelm Roentgen Please Note : Michael Faraday made the first dynamo to generate electricity. Thus, he opened the way to the modern age of electricity. Amazing Plants : Saguaro – Wor...