‘Goodnight’ or ‘Good Night’: Which One Is Formally Correct

Why is the word ‘Goodnight’ is written together but the words ‘Good Morning’ or ‘Good Afternoon’ are written separately. Which one is actually correct? Originally Answered: Based on proper usage and in terms of the source from which the word is derived, it is 1. Good Morning 2. Good Afternoon 3. Good Evening 4. Good Night & 5. Good Day They are all two words. On the other hand, “Goodnight” has emerged for casual usage in recent times. It's merged as one, for colloquial conversation (Informal). With the emergence of texting Applications for ultra quick, instant, easy and crisp communication, words have been merged as one. Some examples of the above are, 1. Going to - Gonna 2. Got you - Gotcha 3. Want to - Wanna 4. Got to - Gotta Also while messaging on other social platforms and instant messengers, communication is restricted to mere Abbreviations such as, 1. TTYL 2. LOL 3. BRB 4. And the list goes on…… PS: The pri...