
Art. I


A01. - Choose the right determiner from those given in brackets and fill in the blanks:

01. This is _____ room I work in. (a/an/the)

02. _____ of the apples were rotten. (many/much/more)

03. Only _____ of the applicants were suitable. (few/a few/the few)

04. I expect only _____ encouragement from you. (little/a little/the little)

05. The workers decided to form _____ union. (a/an/the)

06. Did you buy _____ bread today? (any/some/many)

07. He did not give me _____ money. (any/some/more)

08. His daughter married _____ European. (a/an/the)

09. I gave away _____ rupees I had to my friend. (few/a few/the few)

10. Can you give me _____ of those two pens? (one/either/neither)

11. Do you earn _____ than your wife? (much/more/most)

12. A busy person has _____ time to spare. (little/a little/the little)

13. _____ apples of Kashmir are testy. (a/an/the)

14. _____ books she had were all stolen. (few/a few/the few)

15. This is the _____ temple in Kashmir. (elder/eldest/oldest)

16. Do you have _____ time to spare for me? (some/any/few)

17. My uncle lives in _____ R.C.C. building. (a/an/the)

18. The passenger has _____ luggage with him. (much/little/lots of)

19. _____ learning is a dangerous thing. (little/a little/the little)

20. _____ citizen should abide by the laws of the country. (each/every/some)

21. We had _____ books that were stolen. (few/a few/the few)

22. _____ guidance from you will be enough for me. (little/a little/the little)

23. Mr. Sharma is _____ honourable man in the town. (a/an/the)

24. Divide the oranges _____ Sheela and Bela. (among/between/within)

25. Do you need _____ help from me? (any/some/few)

26. The father of Rini is a man of _____ words. (few/a few/the few)

27. _____ of the boys was rewarded. (each/every/ all)

28. He spent _____ money he had. (little/a little/the little)

29. This is _____ one rupee note. (a/an/the)

30. The spring season is _____ most beautiful of seasons. (a/an/the)

31. Are there _____ boys in the field. (some/any/much)

32. _____ money she had was not sufficient to buy a T.V. set. (few/a few/the few)

33. _____ English are always conservative by nature. (a/an/the)

34. I have _____ time to go to the cinema as I am busy with my work. (little/a little/the little)

35. I want _____ of these five pens. (any/some/few)

36. I have lost _____ umbrella I bought yesterday. (a/an/the)

37. They will pay _____ price, They are called. (each/every/any)

38. We saw _____ one act play yesterday. (a/an/the)

39. _____ men are free from fault. (few/a few/the few)

40. He gave me _____ one rupee note. (a/an/the)

41. There is _____ milk in the glass. (little/a little/the little)

42. Is there _____ sugar in the pot? (some/any/much)

43. There are just _____ apple leaf. (few/a few/the few)

44. He is _____ older than his friend. (many/more/much)

45. She bought _____ umbrella. (a/an/the)

46. Divide the mangoes _____ Ram and Rahim. (among/between)

47. _____ tea of Assam is famous. (a/an/the)

48. He is _____ older than me. (much/more/many)

49. _____ of the two girls is beautiful. (each/every)

50. _____ European came to India. (a/an/the)

51. Can you lend me _____ books? (few/a few/the few)

52. Give me _____ cool water. (little/a little/the little)

53. Did you buy _____ oranges today? (any/some/many)

54. Our teacher gave us _____ useful advice. (many/more/much)

55. Kalidas is _____ Shakespeare of India. (a/an/the)

56. _____ of the boys has won the prize. (each/every)

57. I have not _____ enemies here. (little/some/any)

(Bold words of the alternatives are correct answers of the above questions)

Art. II


B02. - Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions from among those given in brackets:

01. The bridge is _____ the river. (on/above/over)

02. He is a man _____ small mean. (on/in/with)

03. Please come _____ this road. (into/by/in)

04. Come and stand _____ me. (beside/besides/between)

05. Jama Masjid is _____ Delhi. (in/on/at)

06. He will leave for London _____ the 14 th of November, 2006. (on/in/at)

07. He is not _____ home (in/at/into)

08. He came here _____ Monday. (of/on/in)

09. The sky is _____ our head. (on/in/over)

10. Ram goes to school _____ bus. (with/for/by)

11. Ajoy arrived at school _____ 7 o’clock. (by/from/at)

12. He paid the money _____ cheque. (in/by/for)

13. Everyone must struggle _____ poverty and hatred. (with/against/of)

14. He died _____ overeating. (of/by/from)

15. I can not approve _____ your action. (for/to/of)

16. They are sitting _____ their desk. (at/on/in)

17. I can not agree _____ you on this point. (with/at/to)

18. Mira is capable _____ doing hard work. (for/in/of)

19. He said he would comply _____ my request. (to/with/for)

20. I congratulated the boy _____ his success. (over/on/at)

21. Don't quarrel _____ your friends. (among/by/with)

22. She writes the letter _____ blue ink. (with/in/by)

(Bold words of the alternatives are correct answers of the above questions)

B03. - Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions:

23. He died _____ his country.

24. I do not approve _____ him.

25. He deals _____ rice.

26. He looks _____ and old woman.

27. You are eligible _____ the post.

28. I shall meet you _____ 4 p.m. today.

29. He will come _____ Monday next.

30. They live _____ Calcutta.

31. I have been ill _____ five days.

32. Sita always comes here _____ foot.

33. Write a letter _____ a pen.

34. What is the time _____ your watch?

35. He is blind _____ one eye.

36. I went to Silchar _____ bus.

37. The ring is made _____ gold.

38. Smoking is injurious _____ health.

39. He goes to school _____ foot.

40. Students offered him bunches _____ flowers.

Answers (B03) : 23. for 24. of 25. in 26. after 27. for 28. at 29. on 30. in 31. for 32. on 33. with 34. by 35. of 36. by 37. of 38. to 39. on 40. of

Art. III


C04. - Fill in the blanks with the right alternative from those given in brackets:

a) I _____ I had taken your advice. (hope/wish)

b) He will leave for England _____. (shortly/recently)

c) My father deals in _____ products. (diary/dairy)

d) We visited some _____ monuments around Delhi. (historical/historic)

e) I went to him to seek his _____. (advice/advise)

f) He is _____ for the post. (illegible/eligible)

g) She has got lots of _____ on her birthday. (reward/presents/prize)

h) The meeting is _____ going on. (just/still/yet)

i) People who _____ in glass houses should not throw stones at others. (live/lives)

j) _____ you pass me salt? (could/would/should)

k) The train arrived ten minutes _____. (late/lately)

l) Why did you _____ the mistake? (do/make)

m) He is my _____. (cousin/cousin brother)

n) I _____ to accompany him. (denied/refused)

o) My _____ brother lives in Delhi. (older/elder)

p) He came back from Europe _____. (recently/shortly)

q) Distribute these oranges _____ your class-mates. (between/amongst)

r) He narrated the incident _____. (shortly/briefly)

s) The old man knew that his death was _____. (imminent/eminent)

t) It is difficult to go out in a bad _____. (climate/weather)

Answers (C04) : a) wish b) shortly c) dairy d) historical e) advice f) eligible g) presents h) still i) live j)  k) late l) make m) cousin n) refused o) elder p) recently q) amongst r) briefly s) imminent t) weather

Art. IV


Ask Question:

D05. - Write questions to which the followings are the answers:

01. He bought a new shirt. (What)

02. He returned home yesterday. (When)

03. He lives in Delhi. (Where)

04. He will stay here for a month.

05. My father nb is a teacher.

06. The book costs ten rupees.

07. The bus leaves at 7:00 a.m. for Jorhat.

08. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam wrote “The Wings of Fire”.

09. I like cricket most.

10. He wants to buy a book. (What)

11. There is nothing wrong with me.

12. No one can do this.

D06. - Write questions to which the followings are the answers:

01. The old man is walking on the pavement.

02. The local market is one kilometre away from my house.

03. Kutub Uddin built this Community Hall.

04. They want to visit the Kaziranga (Where)

05. The boy wants to meet the Principal. (Whom)

06. He will stay here for a month. (How long)

07. I waited in the railway station for an hour. (How long)

08. Only eight students joined the class. (How many)

09. I have been living in this village since 2006. (How long)

10. He did not come to school yesterday for his illness. (Why)

11. My younger brother is four years old. (How)

12. He puts a letter in the envelope. (What)

13. The pen costs twenty rupees. (How)

14. My brother lives in Japan. (Where)

15. I'm from India. (Where)

16. That is Mr. Gupta. (Who)

17. He went to Shillong last night. (When /Where)

18. He lives in Guwahati. (Where)

19. They went to the university last Saturday. (Where / When)

20. Binita went to the market to buy a pen. (Why)

21. I like to read story books most. (What)

22. I like to read story books rather than all other books. (What kind of books)

23. He likes milk. (What)

24. I like milk most. (What thing)

25. I like coca cola very much. (What drink)

26. She gets up early in the morning. (When)

27. There are twelve months in a year. (How many)

28. I read for two hours every night. (How long)

29. She wants to read Hindi. (What)

30. He puts a bag on the table. (What)

31. Sita brought an umbrella. (What)

32. The weight of the box is 100 kilograms. (What)

33. He is looking for a great book. (What)

34. My name is A.K. Sinha. (What)

35. His brother's name is John. (What)

36. It is 7:30 pm now. (What)

37. Our class starts at 7 pm. (When)

38. We finish our class at 9:00 pm. (When)

39. He came here on Monday. (When)

40. He was sleeping at that time. (What)

Answers (D05) : 01. What did he buy? 02. When did he return home? 03. Where does he live? 04. How long will he stay here? 05. What is your father? 06. How much does the book cost? 07. When does the bus leave for Jorhat? 08. Who wrote “The Wings of Fire”? 09. What game do you like most? 10. What does he want to buy? 11. Is there anything wrong with you? 12. Can anyone do this?

Answers (D06) : 01. Where is the old man walking on? 02. How far is the local market from your house? 03. Who built this Community Hall? 04. Where do they want to visit? 05. Whom does the boy want to meet? 06. How long will he stay here? 07. How long did you wait in the railway station? 08. How many students joined the class? 09. How long have you been living in this village? 10. Why didn't he come to school yesterday? 11. How old is your younger brother? 12. What does he put in the envelope? 13. How much does the pen cost? 14. Where does your brother live? 15. Where are you from? 16. Who is that? / Who's that? 17. When did he go to Shillong? / Where did he go yesterday? 18. Where does he live? 19. Where did they go last Saturday? / When did they go to the university? 20. Why did Binita go to the market? 21. What (books) do you like to read? 22. What kind of books do you like to read? 23. What does he like? 24. What thing do you like most? 25. What drink do you like very much? 26. When does she get up in the morning? 27. How many months are there in a year? 28. How long do you read every night? 29. What does she want to read? 30. What does he put on the table? 31. What did Sita buy? 32. What is the weight of the box? 33. What is he looking for? 34. What is your name? 35. What is his brother's name? 36. What is the time by your clock now? 37. When does your class start? 38. Whenhen do you finish your class? 39. When did he come here? 40. What was he doing at that time?

Art. V

Tag Questions or Question Tags:

E06. - Add a tag question with the following:

01. He did well in the examination.

02. Sita is in the class, _____?

03. The girl sings well, _____?

04. I have done this.

05. She will do it.

06. Please give me a pen.

07. You are a student, ______?

08. My father does not like sweets, ______?

09. The book cost five rupees, ______?

10. The boys come to school in time, ______?

11. I am tall, ______?

12. Please come in time, ______?

13. You came home yesterday, ______?

14. Your mother loves you, _______?

15. They will fight bravely, _______?

16. Please have a cup of tea, ______?

17. The boys look happy, ______?

18. He has done the job well, ______?

19. You are telling the truth, ______?

20. Your speech was well received, ______?

21. He has gone, _______?
22. You will have to do this.
23. They will not go.
24. He speaks English well.
25. Everybody can't be clever.
26. Kindly give me a little room.
27. Don't go there, _______?
28. The captain did not agree to this, ________?
29. Everything looked beautiful.
30. Please lend me some money.
31. I saw the man, ________?
32. I draw a picture, ________?
33. Birds sing sweetly.
34. Someone is waiting for you, ________?
35. Let's start the game.
36. The beggar has no rupee, ________?
37. Let me write my name on it, ________?
38. No one can escape death.
39. Everybody will go to the picnic.
40. Close the door please, ________?

41. Today is Tuesday, _________?

42. A little kindness was shown to me, ______?

43. Nobody trusts a liar, __________?

44. Anybody can do this, _________?

45. He makes mistakes hardly, _________?

Answers (E06) : 01. He did well in the examination, didn't he? 02. Sita is in the class, isn't she? 03. The girl sings well, doesn't she? 04. I have done this, haven't I? 05. She will do it, won't she? 06. Please give me a pen, will you? 07. You are a student, aren't you? 08. My father does not like sweets, does he? 09. The book cost five rupees, didn't it? 10. The boys come to school in time, don't they? 11. I am tall, aren't I? 12. Please come in time, will you? 13. You came home yesterday, didn't you? 14. Your mother loves you, doesn't she? 15. They will fight bravely, won't they? 16. Please have a cup of tea, will you? 17. The boys look happy, don't they? 18. He has done the job well, hasn't he? 19. You are telling the truth, aren't you? 20. Your speech was well received, wasn't it? 21. He has gone, hasn't he? 22. You will have to do this, won't you? 23. They will not go, will they? 24. He speaks English well, doesn't he? 25. Everybody can't be clever, can they? 26. Kindly give me a little room, will you / won't you? 27. Don't go there, will you? 28. The captain did not agree to this, did he? 29. Everything looked beautiful, didn't it? 30. Please lend me some money, will you / won't you? 31. I saw the man, didn't I? 32. I draw a picture, don't I? 33. Birds sing sweetly, don't they? 34. Someone is waiting for you, aren't they? 35. Let's start the game, shall we? 36. The beggar has no rupee, does he? 37. Let me write my name on it, will you / won't you? 38. No one can escape death, can they? 39. Everybody will go to the picnic, won't they? 40. Close the door please, will you / won't you? 41. Today is Tuesday, isn't it? 42. A little kindness was shown to me, was it? 43. Nobody trusts a liar, do they? 44. Anybody can do this, can't they?  45. He makes mistakes hardly, does he?

Art. VI


F07. - Combine the following sentences into a simple sentence:

01. The story was very funny. He told me about it yesterday.

02. The box is very heavy. I cannot carry it.

03. I went to bed early. I felt very tired.

04. Robin is my friend. He is a journalist.

05. This is the boy. His pen is lost.

06. The load is so heavy that I can not lift it.

07. She opened the cage. She let the bird fly away.

08. I can't buy a car. I don't have the money.

09. Where does he live? Do you know it?

10. A boy brought the news. I know the boy.

11. He is so weak that he cannot walk.
12. When I went there, I found him absent.
13. Though he is poor, he is happy.
14. As he was tired, he refused to go.
15. When he saw the lion, he ran away.
16. They will never pay unless they are compelled.
17. He always felt sleepy whenever he thought.
18. You can be allowed here only if you are a student.
19. I was quite well so long as I stayed here.
20. I have no money that I can spare.
21. I follow the example which was set by my father.
22. He is a man, who is rich.

F08. - Combine the following sentences into a complex sentence:

01. This is the boy. He stood first in the class.

02. The man was running with a bag. We saw the man.

03. She wants me to go.

04. He is too weak to walk.

05. I admit him to be a great poet.

F09. - Combine the following sentences into a compound sentence:

01. I have not met him. I have not written to him.

02. Coming home, he began to work.

03. He could not come on account of illness.

04. He kept the promise he had made.

05. He came home to see you.

Answers (F07) : 01. He told me a very funny story yesterday.  02. The box is too heavy for me to carry. 03. Feeling very tired, I went to bed early. 04. Robin, who is a journalist, is my friend. 05. This is the boy who lost his pen. 06. The load is too heavy for me to lift. 07. Opening the cage, she let the bird fly away. 08. I don't have the money to buy a car. 09. Do you know where he lives? 10. I know the boy who brought the news. 11. He is too weak to walk.12. On going there, I found him absent. 13. In Spite of his poverty, he is happy. 14. Being tired, he refused to go. 15. On seeing the lion, he ran away. 16. They will pay only under compulsion. 17. Thinking always made him sleepy. 18. Only students are allowed here.19. During my stay there I was quite well. 20. I have no money to spare. 21. I follow my father's example. 22. He is a rich man.

Answers (F08) : 01. This is the boy who stood first in the class. 02. We saw a man running with a bag. 03. She wants that I (should) go. 04. He is so weak that he can not walk. 05. I admit that he is a great poet.

Answers (F09) : 01. I have neither met him nor written to him. 02. He came home and began to work. 03. He was ill, and so he could not come. 04. He not only made a promise but kept it. 05. He wanted to see you, and so he came home.

Art. VII


G10. - Use the correct tense of the verbs given in the brackets and rewrite the sentences:

01. It (rain) everyday this week.

02. As he was getting off the bus, he (fell) down

03. I (reach) home before the rain starts.

04. The show always (begin) at 6 pm.

05. He can not play in the match as he (injure) his foot.

06. The bus (leave) Jorhat at 7 o’clock everyday.

07. The telephone (invent) by Alexander Bell in 1876.

08. I not (meet) you for weeks.

09. When we (arrive) at the station, the train had already left.

10. If I (be) a bird, I could fly.

11. They (finish) the work by Sunday next.

12. I wouldn't go there if I (be) you.

13. The bus usually (arrive) here at 8 o'clock.

14. He (leave) the place a long ago.

15. The patient (take) to the hospital yesterday.

16. He (read) a book when I saw him.

17. They (reach) home before it was dark.

18. I (not hear) from him for a year.

19. It is time I (do) some real work.

20. When I met him he (read) a book.

21. He said that he (leave) that house the following day.

22. He not (go) to school since June last.

23. I (write) now.

24. He (feel) unhappy.

25. I (meet) my friends yesterday.

26. He always (get up) at 5 a.m.

27. I not (go) to school tomorrow.

28. The boy (write) the story yesterday.

29. He (go) to school everyday.

30. I (live) here since 1942.

31. She (came) here yesterday.

32. The girl (come) to school from tomorrow.

33. If it (rain), I shall not go out.

34. I (go) to Delhi last year.

35. He (read) the story since morning.

36. It (rain) since morning.

37. I not (come) here next morning.

38. Children (play) cricket here last Monday.

39. I (write) a letter tomorrow.

40. He (live) in the house since 2005.

41. Rita (go) to Shillong yesterday.

42. Fortune (favour) the braves.

43. We (reach) home before it rains.

44. If he (go) early, he would have met her.

45. They (go) to meet the Principal tomorrow.

G11. - Fill in the blanks with the correct tense form of the verbs given in brackets:

01. I wish I _____ help you. (can)

02. If I _____ you, I should not accept that post. (be)

03. The earth _____ round the sun. (move)

04. My friend _____ the Prime Minister yesterday. (meet)

05. Amlan was not at home, he _____ playing cricket in the field. (be)

06. It _____ since early morning. (rain)

07. I am sure she _____ the examination. (pass)

08. Rahim _____ the job three years back. (leave)

09. He went out after he _____ (lock) the door.

10. I shall help him if he _____ (come).

11. Bablu _____ this book since January last. (read)

12. It _____ since eight o'clock this morning. (rain)

G12. - Rewrite the following sentences using the correct tense forms of the verbs given in brackets:

01. I (have) my dinner an hour ago.

02. When we went to his house, he (read) a book.

03. When I went in, he (read) a book.

04. She behaves, as if she (know) everything.

05. The man was (take) away to prison.

06. He (go) to Shillong last month.

07. If it (rain), I shall not go out.

08. I (read) the book since morning.

09. He (do) the work since Monday last.

10. The work (begin) a month ago.

11. He (leave) for Europe last Friday.

12. You (learn) English for six years now.

13. He treated me as though I (be) a God.

14. I (write) this letter since morning.

15. You (fail) unless you work harder.

16. I have not seen him since we (leave) school.

17. I would not go there if I (be) you.

18. He was walking as though he (be) lame.

19. She talks as if she (know) everything.

20. When he entered the room, we (discuss) the matter.

G13. - Rewrite the following sentences using the correct tense forms of the verbs given in brackets:

01. It (rain) everyday this week.

02. It (rain) for two weeks.

03. My sister (love) butter very much.

04. He (come) from Mumbai recently.

05. Namita (visit) Nalbari last year.

06. He (like) tea.

07. My friend (do) Maths when I went to his home.

08. Our class (start) at 7:00 pm everyday.

09. They (start) the class before I joined.

10. We (enjoy) tomorrow, because it is a holiday.

11. We (learn) English grammar since February, 2020.

12. She (do) her homework now.

Answers (G10) : 01. It has been raining everyday this week. 02. As he was getting off the bus, he fall down. 03. I had reached home before the train started. 04. The show always begins at 6 pm. 05. He can not play in the match as he injured his foot. 06. The bus leaves Jorhat at 7 o’clock everyday. 07. The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell in 1876. 08. 09. When we arrived at the station, the train had already left. 10. If I were a bird, I could fly. 11. They will finish the work by Sunday next. 12. 13. The bus usually arrives here at 8 o’clock. 14. He left the place a long ago. 15. The patient was taken to the hospital yesterday. 16. He was reading a book when I saw him. 17. They had reached home before it was dark. 18. 19. It is time I did some real work. 20. When I met him he was reading a book. 21. He said that he had left that house the following day. 22. He has not been going to school since June last. 23. I am writing now. 24. He feels unhappy. 25. I met my friends yesterday. 26. He always gets up at 5 am. 27. I shall not go to school tomorrow. 28. The boy wrote the story yesterday. 29. He goes to school everyday. 30. I have been living here since 1942. 31. She came here yesterday. 32. The girl will come to school from tomorrow. 33. If it rains, I shall not go out. 34. I went to Delhi last year. 35. He has been reading the story since morning. 36. It has been raining since morning. 37. I shall not come here next morning. 38. Children played cricket here last Monday. 39. I shall write a letter tomorrow. 40. He has been living in the house since 2005. 41. Rita went to Shillong yesterday. 42. Fortune favours the braves. 43. We had reached home before it rains. 44. If he goes early, he would have met her. 45. They will go to meet the Principal tomorrow.

Answers (G11) : 01. I wish I could help you. 02. If I were you, I should not accept that post. 03. The earth moves round the sun. 04. My friend met the Prime Minister yesterday. 05. Amlan was not a home, he was playing cricket in the field. 06. It has been raining since early morning. 07. I am sure she will pass the examination. 08. Rahim left the job three years back. 09. He went out after he had locked the door. 10. I shall help him if he comes. 11. Bablu has been reading this book since January last. 12. It has been raining since eight o’clock this morning.

Answers (G12) : 01. I had my dinner an hour ago. 02. When we went to his house, he was reading a book. 03. When I went in, he was reading a book. 04. She behaves as if she knew everything. 05. The man was taken away to prison. 06. He went to Shillong last month. 07. If it rains I shall not go out. 08. I have been reading the book since morning. 09. He has been doing the work since Monday last. 10. The work began a month ago. 11. He left for Europe last Friday. 12. You have been learning English for six years now. 13. He treated me as though I were a God. 14. I have been writing this letter since morning. 15. You will fail unless you work harder. 16. I have not seen him since we left school. 17. I would not go there if I were you. 18. He was walking as though he were lame. 19. She talks as if she knew everything. 20. When he entered the room, we were discussing the matter.

Answers (G13) : 01. It rains everyday this week. 02. It has been raining for two weeks. 03. My sister loves butter very much. 04. He has come from Mumbai recently. 05. Namita visited Nalbari last year. 06. He likes tea. 07. My friend was doing Maths when I went to his home. 08. Out class starts at 7:00 pm everyday. 09. They had started the class before I joined. 10. We will enjoy tomorrow, because it is a holiday. 11. We have been learning English grammar since February, 2020. 12. She is doing her homework now.



Answers (H14) : Change the following sentences into passive voice:


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The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde

The Adventure of Toto (Moment)

English | Work Sheet | Grammar | Model Verbs | Class 10