
Class 9 And 10 Reopened

Sympathy | Class 8 | English (SCERT)

Lesson - 7 SYMPATHY By Charles Mackay Word meaning (শব্দাৰ্থ): Sympathy   (সিম্প্যাথী) – সহানুভূতি। Beggar (ব্যাগার) – ভিক্ষুক / ভিখারী। Sorrow (সরোও) – দুঃখ। Distress (ডিস্ট্রেস) – যন্ত্রণা। Grief (গ্রিফ) – বিষাদ। Erect (ইরেক্ট) – সোজা হওয়া। Charity (চ্যারিটি) – দানশীলতা। Pleasant (প্ল্যাসেণ্ট) – মনোরম। Holy (হলি) – পবিত্র। Heavenly (হ্যাভেনলি) – স্বর্গীয়। Fed (ফেড) – প্রতিপালিত। Pride (প্রাইড) – গর্ব / অহংকার। Goodness (গুডনেস) – সদগুণ। Superior (সুপিরিয়ার) – শ্রেয় / শ্রেষ্ঠ / জেষ্ঠ্য। Jumble (জম্বেল) – মিশ্রিত করা। Appropriate (অপ্রোপ্রিয়েট) – যথাযথ / সঠিক। Regain (রিগেইন) – পুনরূদ্ধার করা। Repay (রিপে্) – পরিশোধ করা। Debt (ডেব্ট) – ঋণ। Generous (জেনেরোস) – মহৎ / দানশীল। Unkindness (আনকাইন্ডনেস্) – নির্দয়তা। Activities 1. Read the poem and choose the corect options to complete the sentences a) The poet was in deep sorrow. A proud man came and helped him by     (i) offering him kind words     (ii) ignoring him     (iii) giving him gold     (iv) giving h

The Adventure of Toto (Moment)

The Adventure of Toto By Ruskin Bond - (Moments) Lesson : 2 (Page: 7-11) Video Summary in Hindi is available here Question 1. How does Toto come to grand-father’s private zoo? Answer: Grandfather loved animals. One day he saw this attractive monkey with a tonga- driver. The monkey was tied to a feeding- trough and seemed out of place there. Grandfather had great liking for animals. So he decided to buy Toto from the tonga- driver and bought it for five rupees. Question 2. “Toto was a pretty monkey.” In what sense is Toto pretty? Answer: Toto had bright eyes sparkling with mischief, pearly white teeth, quick and wicked fingers and a gracious tail which served as a third hand. The smile of Toto was cute and frightened elderly Anglo- Indian ladies. Altogether all these qualities made him pretty. Question 3. Why does grandfather take Toto to Saharanpur and how? Why does the ticket collector insist on calling Toto a dog? Answer: Toto was a mischievous monkey. He kept disturbing all other a

English Literature (Class - 6)

MARIE CURIE  - By Chiranjeeb Sen Lesson: 4 - (Page: 24) Words-Note: Remarkable = extraordinary, অসাধারণ। Devote = dedicate, উৎসর্গ করা। Gifted = talented, প্রতিভাশালী। Maintain = sustain, বজায় রাখা / নির্বাহ করা Scientist = man of science, বিজ্ঞানী / বৈজ্ঞানিক। Well-to-do = rich, সমৃদ্ধ / ধনী। Governess = mistress, গৃহশিক্ষিকা। Discomfort = uneasiness, অস্বাচ্ছন্দ্য। Discovery = invention, আবিষ্কার  / উদ্ঘাটন। Research = exploration, গবেষণা / অন্বেষণ। A. Answer the following questions: Q.1. What is the main reason that we remember Marie Curie today? Answer: Marie Curie was a great scientist. She is remembered today due to her discovery of Radium. Q. 2. When and where was Marie Curie born? What was her real name? Answer: Marie Curie was born in November, 1867 in Warsaw, the capital of Poland. Skolodovska Maria was her real name. Q. 3. Why did Marie have to stop her studies? How did she save money for further studies? Answer: Marie's father was not a well-to-do man. They had a great