The Prince of Panidihing | English SCERT Assam | Class 8
English SCERT, Assam
Lesson : 1
The Prince of Panidihing
Word Meaning :
Heavily (হেভিলি) : খুব বেশি।
Swelling (সুয়েলিং) : স্ফীতি
Continued (কন্টিনিউড) : চলতে থাকা;
Rising ( রাইজিং) : বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া।
Panic (পেনিক) : আতঙ্ক; ত্রাস।
Gripped (গ্ৰিপড্) : কবলিত; করায়ত্ত।
Neighbouring (নেইবারিং) : পাশ্ববর্তী; নিকটবর্তী।
Own (ওন) : নিজস্ব; নিজের।
Far (ফার) : দূরবর্তী।
Loud roar (লাউড রোর) : প্ৰচণ্ড শব্দ।
Alerted (এলাৰ্টেড) : সৰ্তক।
Riverside (রিভারসাইড) : নদীর তীর।
Villagers (ভিলেইজারস) : গ্রামবাসী।
Realized (রিয়েলাইজড্) : উপলব্ধি করেছিল।
Worst (ওৰ্ষ্ট) : অতি খারাপ / অধিক মন্দ।
Had (হেড) : অভিজ্ঞতা লাভ করা।
Happened (হেপেণ্ড) : ঘটেছিল।
Embankment (এমবেংকমেন্ট) : বাঁধ; ভেড়ি।
Breached (ব্ৰিচড্) : বিদীর্ণ করা; ফাটল তৈরি করা।
Horrified (হরিফাইড) : ভীত; আতঙ্কিত করা।
Braced (ব্ৰেচড্) : টেনে বাঁধা।
Themselves (দেমসেলভ্স) : তাহারা নিজে।
Evacuated (এভাকিওয়টেড) : উদ্বাসিত।
Exhausted (এক্সাহাস্টেড্) : অবসন্ন; ক্লান্ত।
Dispensary (ডিসপ্যানসারী) : ডাক্তারখানা; ঔষধালয়।
Knack (ন্যাক) : দক্ষতা; নিপুণতা।
In moments (ইন মোমেন্টস্) : মুহূর্তের ভিতরে
Huge (হিউজ) : প্ৰকাণ্ড
Wave (ওয়েভ) : ঢেউ; তরঙ্গ।
Broke into (ব্ৰ'ক ইনটু) : প্ৰবেশ করেছিল।
Rolled (রোলড) : ঘূর্ণায়মান।
Over(ওভার) : ওপরে; ঊর্ধ্বে।
House-tops (হাউস্-টপচ্) : গৃহচূড়া।
Quickly (কুইকলি) : তাড়াতাড়ি।
Filled (ফিলড্) : পরিপূর্ণ।
Cries and wails (ক্ৰাইস এণ্ড ওয়েলস্) : আর্তচিৎকার
Village folk (ভিলেজ ফক্) : গ্রামের জনসাধারণ।
Huddled (হাডলড্) : গাদাগাদি করা।
Chang-ghars (চাং-ঘর) : চাং-ঘর
Bellowing (বিলোইং) : ক্ৰোধে চিৎকার করা।
Livestock (লাইভষ্টক) : পশুসম্পদ; পশুসম্পত্তি।
Swept away ( সুইফ্ট এওয়ে) : বয়ে যাওয়া।
Young (ইয়ং) : যুবক।
Grasped (গ্ৰেসপ্ড) : জড়ান।
Seriousness (সীরিয়াসনেস্) : গাম্ভীৰ্য, গুরুত্ব
Situation (সিচুয়েশন) : পরিস্থিতি
Action (একশ্বন্) : কাৰ্য
Classmates (ক্লাছমেটচ্) : সহপাঠীগণ।
Prince (প্ৰিন্স) : রাজকুমার; রাজপুত্ৰ।
Brave (ব্ৰেভ) : সাহসী।
Fellow (ফেলো) : ব্যক্তি; লোক; সহকর্মী।
Often (অফেন) : প্ৰায়।
Hurry up (হারি আপ) : তাড়াহুড়ো করা।
Shouted (শাউটেড) : চিৎকার করেছিল।
Lose (লুজ) : হারানো; নষ্ট করা।
Hold (হোল্ড) : চেপে ধরা।
Short (শৰ্ট) : বেঁটে; ছোট; সংক্ষিপ্ত।
Raft (রাফ্ট) : ভেলা
Banana trunk (বানানা ট্ৰাংক) : কলাগাছের গোড়া।
Boat (বোট) : নৌকা
Rush (রাশ্) : অগ্রসর হওয়া।
In no time ( ইন নো টাইম) : অবিলম্বে।
Ready (রেডি) : প্রস্তুত; উদ্যত।
Steered (ষ্টিরড্) : বাহিত।
Poles (পোলস্) : মেরু; লাঠি।
Fleet of rafts (ফ্লিট অব্ রাফ্ট) : কলাগাছের ভেলা।
Lead (লিড) : পথ প্ৰদৰ্শন করা
Marooned (মেরুনড্) : আক্ৰান্ত লোকজন।
Rescued (রেস্কিউড) : উদ্ধার করেছিল।
Sigh (সাই) : দীর্ঘশ্বাস ফেলা।
Rocking (রোকিং) : দোলান।
Steadily (স্ট্যাডিলি) : অটলভাবে; স্থিরভাবে।
Negotiate (নিগোশিয়েট) : মধ্যস্থতা করা।
Whirlpool : ঘূর্ণিজল; স্রোত।
Capsized (ক্যাপসাইজড) : প্রত্যাহত; বানচাল।
Popping (পপিং) : চাপড়ানো; মৃদু আঘাত করা।
Mound (মাউন্ড) : স্তূপ; ঢিবি।
Crisis (ক্রাইসিস) : সঙ্কট; বিপদ।
Exclaimed (এক্সক্লেইমড) : চিৎকার করেছিল।
Emotionally (ইমোশনালী) : আবেগপূর্ণভাবে।
Ailment (ইলমেন্ট) : অসুস্থতা।
Gleaming (গ্লিমিং) : মিট্ মিট্ করে জ্বলা।
Gracefully (গ্রেস্ফুলি) : প্রসন্নভাবে; মাধুর্যপূর্ণভাবে।
Assam Affected by Flood
[Please Note : In most cases multiple answers to a question are written (with or). Students will have to learn any one answer as per their choice.
বেশিরভাগ ক্ষেত্রে একটি প্রশ্নের একাধিক উত্তর (অথবা দিয়ে) লিখা রয়েছে। ছাত্রছাত্রীরা নিজেদের পছন্দ অনুযায়ী যেকোন একটি উত্তর শিখলেই চলবে।]
1. Answer did following questions to check your understanding:
(a) Why did the people of Chitolia and the neighbouring villages panic?
(চিতলীয়া এবং পার্শ্ববর্তী গ্রামের লোকজন কেন ভয় পেয়েছিল?)
Answer: All the people in Chitolia and its surrounding village were scared because the water of Brahmaputra river was increasing due to excess rain.
Or, / অথবা,
Answer: Because, it rained heavily all week. The swelling water of the Brahmaputra continued rising. Panic gripped Chitolia and its neighbouring villages.
(b) What happened when the embankment at Chitolia village was breached?
(চিতলীয়া গ্রামে থাকা বাঁধটি বিদীর্ণ হয়ে যাওয়ার ফলে কি হয়েছিল?)
Answer: When the embankment at Chitolia village was breached, in a few moments, huge waves of water entered into the villages and rolled over some of the house-tops.There were cries and wails of the villagers all around. The livestock were also swept away by the flood waves.
Or, / অথবা,
Answer: In moments, huge waves of water broke into the villages. The water rolled over some of the house-tops. The air quickly filled with the cries and wails of the village folk huddled on roof-tops of the chang-ghars and the mad bellowing of the livestock being swept away.
(c) What action did Khagen and his classmates take to rescue the villagers of Chitolia?
(চিতলীয়া গ্রামের মানুষদেরকে উদ্ধার করার জন্য খগেন এবং তার স্কুলের বন্ধুগণ কি ব্যবস্থা হাতে নিয়েছিল?)
Answer: Khagen and his classmates made five rafts of banana trunks and moved towards Chitolia to rescue the village of Chitolia from flood.
Or, / অথবা,
Answer: Khagen quickly grasped the seriousness of the situation and swung into action. He along with his classmates made five banana rafts and took a boat and went to rescue all the flood affected people of Chitolia. Then they were kept safely on the high grounds of the school building.
(d) How did Khagen and Dambaru rescue Dr. Hatibaruah and Moni Baidew?
(খগেন এবং ডম্বারু কিভাবে ডাঃ হাতীবরুয়া এবং মনি বাইদেউকে উদ্ধার করেছিল?)
Answer: Where Dr. Hatibaruah and his wife Moni Baidew were stranded, Khagen and Dambaru reached there after half an hour and took them into the boat with their bags and moved back to a higher place.
Or, / অথবা,
Answer: Khagen and Dambaru reached the hospital where Dr. Hatibaruah was stranded with great effort. On the way back they met with an accident and all the people on the boat fell into the flood water. But the brave Khagen again rescued all of them and kept them in the relief camp.
(e) Why did the people of the village call khagen 'The Prince of Panidihing'?
(গ্রামের লোকজন কেন খগেনক পানীদিহিঙের রাজকুমার বলে আখ্যা দিয়েছিল?)
Answer: The people of the village called Khagen "the Prince of Panidhing" because Khagen was a brave fellow and quickly grasped the seriousness of the situation and swung into action.
Or, / অথবা,
Answer: Khagen is very brave, he rescued many people affected by floods with great effort. so he was called The Prince of Panidihing.
Or, / অথবা,
Answer : Khagen was a brave boy who helped the villagers by putting his own life in danger. Moreover, he had a knack for solving all kinds of problems, so the people of the village used to call Khagen “The Prince of Panidihing”.
2. How much of the story do you remember? Answer these questions quickly.
(a) Who was Khagen? How old was he?
Answer: Khagen was a brave, young man who lived in Borgaon village. He was seventeen years old.
(b) 'It rained heavily all week.' What was the result?
Answer: The result of after heavy rainfall, The whole village was flooded due to rain for a week.
(c) 'In moments, huge waves of water broke into the villages.' - What is this situation called?
Answer: This situation is called flood disaster.
(d) "khagen! You have saved our lives, given us a new life." - Who said this? Why did he say this?
Answer: Dr. Hatibaruah said this. Because Khagen saved his life and his wife with great effort from the flood.
Extra Questions:
(a) Who was Moni Baidew? (মনি বাইদেউ কে ছিলেন?)
Answer: Moni Baidew was the wife of Dr. Hatibaruah.
(b) When did the flood come to Chitolia Village? (চিতলীয়া গ্রামে বন্যা কখন এসেছিল?)
Answer: Flood came to Chitolia village on a rainy morning when the embankment at the village collapsed due to speedy current of the river Brahmaputra.
(c) How did the boat capsize?
Answer: With six persons and the doctor’s bag, the boat was quite heavy however, it still moved on steadily. The next moment, the boat was pulled by a strong undercurrent like a magnet and it was caught in a whirlpool. The boat capsized and threw everyone on board into the flood waters.
(d) How did Khagen save Moni Baidew from drowning?
Answer: When Moni Baidew was carried along by the current, Khagen spotted her head popping in and out of the water. He dashed towards her like an otter and caught her by her arm and managed to keep her afloat until they reached a mound above the flood water. That is how Khagen saved Moni Baidew from drowning.
3. Complete the following sentences in your words:
(a) The water rolled over some of the house-tops and __________________
Answer: The water rolled over some of the house-tops and the air quickly filled with the cries and wails of the village folk huddled on roof-tops of the chang-ghars.
(b) By the time the people of Chitolia were evacuated, ____________________
Answer: By the time the people of Chitolia were evacuated,and kept them in the school building.
(c) Half an hour latter, the boat reached the doctor's house______________
Answer: Half an hour later,the boat reached the doctor's house but it narrowly missed crashing into the railing of the verandah of the doctor's house.
(d) The boat took a U turn now and _______________________________
Answer: The boat took a U turn now and began to move swiftly with the current.
(e) Dambaru and two other men somehow managed to catch____________________
Answer: Dambaru and the two other men somehow managed to catch hold of the capsized boat that had almost been swept away.
4. read the following. Use the clues to write a summary of the situation of Panidhing to be published in the local newspaper. Give a suitable title.
it rained heavily
panic gripped our village
the embankment was breached
villages took shelter on house-tops
villagers from neighboring villages rushed to help
the civil authority were also informed
in no time rafts and boats were made ready
hundreds of village were rescued along with their livestock
The great disaster of Panidihing
Panidihing, August 20: It rained heavily all week. So swelling water of the Brahmaputra continued rising. Panic gripped throughout Panidihing and its neighbouring villages. A few hours later people were horrified as the embankment at the Chitolia village was breached. In moments, huge waves of water broke into the villages. The water started to roll over some of the house-tops. The villagers from neighbouring villages rushed to help the affected people. Someone quickly went to inform civil authorities. Khagen and his friends very quickly made five banana rafts. Then rushed to rescue the villagers with the help of a little boat and banana rafts. With great effort they rescued hundreds of villagers along with their livestock and kept them on the high ground of the school building. Later food and water were arranged. Thus the people of Panidihing fought against the flood.
Or, / অথবা,
Panidihing submerged under Brahmaputra's Current
Panidihing, 16th June: In the recent heavy rainfall, the village of Panidihing submerged under the overflowing water of the river Brahmaputra. The speedy current of the river water breached the embankment of the village and panic of flood water dominated the villagers within minutes. The villagers had to take shelters on their rooftops. The neighbouring villages came to their rescue and the local authorities were also informed. As part of quick remedy, rafts and boats were made ready and the affected villagers along with their livestock rescued to a safer location.
5. (a) Let's learn some grammar:
Now read the lesson again and underline all the adverbs. Also find out the verb to which they are adding new information.
Adverbs | Verbs to which they are adding new informations |
Heavily | Rained |
Quickly | Filled; grasped |
Immediately | Informed |
Narrowly | Missed |
Greatly | Scared |
Steadily | Moved on |
Playfully | Asked |
Swiftly | Move |
Emotionally | Said |
Gently | Touched |
Gracefully | Bent |
Newly | Set up |
(b) Underline the adverbs in the sentences below and say what types they are.
(i) Khagen quickly grasped the situation.
Answer: quickly - (Adverb of manner)
(ii) He will stay here.
Answer: here - (Adverb of place or position)
(iii) The civil authorities at Demow had to be informed immediately.
Answer: Immediately - ( Adverb of manner)
(iv) He had done it already.
Answer: already - (Adverb of time)
(v) He is strong enough to steer the raft.
Answer: enough - (Adverb of degree)
(vi) Since when has the doctor been stranded?
Answer: since - (Adverb of time)
when - (Interrogative Adverb)
(vii) Moni Baidew is too afraid to board the boat.
Answer: too - (Adverb of degree)
8. (a) Read this news item carefully:
Two die in Assam floods
Anil Nagar, July 16: Two persons, including a man and a woman were drowned in a devastating flood caused by heavy rains in Anil Nagar, Kamrup district, Assam. All the flood-affected people were however rescued and taken to the relief camps. The district administration sought the help of paramilitary forces in the rescue operation. Many NGOs also offered their help in the operation.
8. (b) Look at the kinds of information that are mentioned in the news item and find answers to the following questions:
(i) Where did the flood occur?
Answer: The flood occurred in Anil Nagar of Kamrup district, Assam.
(ii) How many people died in the flood?
Answer: Two people died in the flood.
(iii) Where were the flood affected people taken to?
Answer: The people who were affected by the flood were taken to the relief camps.
(iv) Who helped the flood affected people?
Answer: The district administration, paramilitary forces and many NGOs helped the flood affected people.
(c) Imagine you are Khagen. Working with your partner, write a newspaper report on the floods and how they affected the lives of the people in your village and the neighbouring villages.
Your report should include the following:
(i) The headline
(ii) The dateline
(iii) Where and how the floods occurred
(iv) Damages caused to life and property
(v) How the people of the village responded to the crisis
(vi) How rescue operations were carried out
(vii) Where relief camps were set up
(viii) How many people were shifted to the relief camp
(ix) What steps the government took to provide relief and rehabilitation to the people
Panidihing submerged under Brahmaputra's Current Panidihing, 16th June: In the recent heavy rainfall, the village of Panidihing submerged under the overflowing water of the river Brahmaputra. The speedy current of the river water breached the embankment of the village and panic of floodwater dominated the villagers within minutes. The villagers had to take shelters on their rooftops. The neighboring villages came to their rescue and the local authorities were also informed. As part of quick remedy, rafts and boats were made ready and the affected villagers along with their livestock rescued to a safer location. Later, the village Primary School was converted to a temporary relief center. More than 250 villagers had taken shelter there. The district administration responded to the situation rapidly and supplied food items and other necessary relief materials there. The government has ensured the villagers that a quick rehabilitation program will be launched soon after the flood gets over.
(9) What would you have done if you were Khagen? Write a diary entry describing your experience and actions on the day the floods occurred in your village. Use the information from the main text to write your entry.
Your diary page may include the following points:
(i) Date and time of making the entry
(ii) How you alerted the people about the breach in the embankment
(iii) What steps you took to help your family and people of the village (including alerting the civil authorities)
24th June, 2020
10:00 pm
Today was horrible. Also the most thrilling day of my life. Early morning, the Brahmaputra breached the embankment of our village. Water, water and water everywhere. My home went down to the level of water also. My neighbors were also panicking. I couldn't see their tears. I decided to fight back. I called all my playmates boys and decided to make rafts of banana trees. We made seven of them. I urged everyone to mount on the rafts. We then sailed towards our village school. Later, we also dialed up at 100 and asked for the help of the administration.
10. Project Work:
Imagine your village has been inundated by the floodwaters of the Brahmaputra. Discuss in your group what steps you will take as volunteers to provide relief to the flood victims of your village. Draw up a plan of action.
The plan of action may include the following:
(a) Collecting donations for the flood-affected people, including clothes, food and other items of daily use
(b) Writing to various NGOs for help
(c) Writing to civil authorities for aid, on behalf of different individual victims and so on
(d) Giving company to the affected children and the elderly victims
(e) Providing first aid to the flood-affected people
Answer: As our village is amidst a big natural disaster, that is flood, I shall first make a group of boys in our villages. I shall first divide various roles among them all. The divided group members shall then perform his duties. We will have to collect a huge fund to help the flood-affected. We will have to distribute all the basic needs and other necessary items.
It will be our first and foremost duty to call the administration for help. I have heard that various NGOs also extend their support at the time of such catastrophes. Our team of volunteers will reach them seeking their help.
To see such a big trouble, small children will panic and elderly people will feel demotivated. So, we will have to build a plan for their entertainment, so that they can be distracted from the troubles of life.
In a relief camp, the first aid box is very essential. We will manage one for ready use.
Or, / অথবা,
Answer: Flood is a terrible disaster. But we mankind have to fight against it anyhow. Very sadly our village is presently amid flood. Some of our village boys have formed team and have drawn the following action plan:-
(i) Firstly, we will have to ensure that all villagers, their valuable things and livestock are rescued. If not, we will do that staff immediately.
(ii) Then, we will have to arrange for food and cloth for our villagers who are now staying in village school.
(iii) We will have to ensure their health as we heard that Malaria sort of diseases easily can outbreak after flood.
(iv) We have decided to inform the district administration immediately.
(v) We also heard that NGOs help in this situation. We have entrusted this duty upon two of our members to approach different NGOs for this purpose.
(vi) Our motto is to help our villagers. We are committed to do so.
11. Prepare a notice to be hung on your school noticeboard informing the students about a free health camp to help the flood victims.
Dated: 06th June, 2020
Free Health Camp
It is hereby notified that our school is going to organize a health camp at Majuli Garchuk Village on 15th June. This camp aims to help the flood-affected villagers of that village. For this purpose, the students are requested to provide their all-pervasive support to make that day successful. The interested students are requested to volunteer for the role of helpers of the team of doctors. They should submit their names to the undersigned latest by 10th of June.
Mr. R.S. Sharma
Or, / অথবা,
Dated: 01st July, 2020
Free Health Camp by Our School
Notified herewith that in order to help the villagers of Rajani Chuk Village in Dhemaji, our school has decided to organize a free of cost health check up camp on 10th of July, 2020. As the village recently faced a terrible flood situation, there is a high possibility of outbreak of after flood diseases in the village and our school feels that we should take an early measure.
So, the interested students are requested to be a part of it and they should submit their names for the role of volunteers to their respective class teacher latest by 7th of July.
Mr. R.S. Sharma
Summary of The Prince Of Panidihing
The prince of Panidihing is a story of a flood in a rural area called Chitolia and how the people of Chitolia responded to it. We all know what happens when it rains heavily during the monsoon season. During this season the villages which are situated near the rivers have to face many problems due to the flood.
In this story it was the monsoon season, it rained heavily all week. The swelling water of the Brahmaputra continued rising, Panic gripped Chitolia and its neighboring villages. As the village was situated near the Brahmaputra river. Khagen’s own village Borgaon was not far from there.
This story “Prince of Panidihing” circulates around the life of Khagen, a young man of seventeen who is called as “Prince of Panidihing” by the village folk and also by his classmates of Nitaipukhuri college.
One morning, a loud roar alerted the villagers. The villagers got a signal that something terrible had happened. Yes they were right, the embankment which was made to control the flood water at Chitolia village was breached. In no time, after the breach of the embankment huge waves of water entered into the village. That was a horrible scene everywhere there was hue and cry. People of the village to save their life huddled on roof-tops of the Chang-ghars, livestock swept away.
Khagen the prince of Panidihing was a brave fellow. After hearing the condition of Chitolia village, he along with his friends with five banana rafts and one boat raced towards Chitolia village and rescued the villagers by bringing them to the high grounds of the school building.
After rescuing them Khagen and his friends arranged food and water for the men, women, and children sheltered in the school building,.The civil authorities at Demow were also informed immediately.
Khagen also helped Doctor Hatibaruah and his wife; they were stranded in their hospital quarters at kotori.
The title “The Prince of Panidihing” was rightly given to Khagen. He deserves it, his bravery proved it.
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Download pdf here | The Prince of Panidihing | English SCERT, Assam | Class 8
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