
A Letter to God

1. Who was Lencho? Where was Lencho’s house situated? Ans: Lencho was a poor farmer. Lencho’s house was situated in a lonely valley. It was on the crest of a low hill. 2. When did the rain start and how did Lencho’s family welcomed it? Ans: The rain started during the evening and Lencho’s family welcomed the rain with glee. 3. What did Lencho hope for? Ans: Being a farmer, Lencho hoped for rainwater to produce good crops. 4. How did the rain change? What happened to Lencho’s field then? Ans: The rain suddenly changed into hailstorm and it was scattered all around the valley. Lencho’s cornfield then completely destroyed. 5. What did Lencho see in the north-east? Ans: Lencho saw the huge mountains of clouds in the north-east. There was fresh and sweet air also. 6. How are Lencho’s emotions expressed when it rained? Ans: Lencho was so much emotional that he went out to have a pleasure of feeling the rain on his body. He also told that those were not raindrops but some new coins. 7.

Similar Words Different in Meaning

SIMILAR WORDS DIFFERENT IN MEANING  1. Access - entrance (প্রবেশ)।      Excess - more than enough (আধিক্য)  2. Alter - changed (বদল / বদলি)।      Altar - table used in religious ceremonies (বেদী)।  3. Alternation - change (পরিবর্তন)।      Altercation - quarrel (বিবাদ)।  4. Alternate - coming by turns (একদিন পর একদিন)।      Alternative - a choice between two things (বিকল্প)।  5. Apposite - suitable (সঠিক)।      Opposite - reverse (বিপরীত)।  6. Adapt - to fit one thing to another (খাপ খাওয়ানো)।      Adept - skillful hand (দক্ষ)।  7. Advice - পরামর্শ।      Advise - উপদেশ দেওয়া।  8. Artful - clever (চতুর)।      Artificial - (কৃত্রিম)।  9. Beside - near; next to (পাশে)।        Besides - except (ছাড়াও)। 10. Beneficial - useful (উপকারী)।        Beneficent - doing good(পরোপকারী)। 11. Biannual - twice in every year (বছরে দুইবার)।        Biennial - once in every two years (দুইবছরে একবার)। 12. Birth - born (জন্ম)।        Berth - a sleeping place in a train or ship (ট্রেনে বা জাহ